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So far daniel has created 18 blog entries.

Atelier de Martisoare

Dear friends, Please join AR-NE volunteers on Sunday February 23rd at the Morse Institute Library in Natick, from 1:30 - 3:30 pm for Atelier de Martisoare. You’ll find us in the basement in the Community Room where we’ll have some already made, or we can make new ones together. Strings and some other crafting materials [...]

Prin |2025-01-26T16:05:42+00:00ianuarie 26th, 2025|Evenimente Viitoare|0 comentarii

Book Launch: Mioritza, the Magic Lambkin the latest work by Adrian George Sahlean

Join us for the exciting launch of Mioritza, the Magic Lambkin the latest work by Adrian George Sahlean! 🎉 📅 Date: 01/17/2025🕒 Time: 6:30 pm 📍 Location: Auburndale Library 375 Auburn St, Auburndale, MA 02466 Plenty of street parking spots available. 🎟️ Admission: free. Plenty of street parking spots available. Dive into this captivating journey [...]

Prin |2025-01-26T16:05:59+00:00ianuarie 11th, 2025|Evenimente trecute|0 comentarii

Farewell Mario! Thank you, Boca Bella! Nov 22 2024

Farewell Mario! Come join us for a special event to bid farewell to our beloved Mario. After years of crafting unforgettable flavors, sometimes with a Romanian cuisine touch, Chef Mario is moving on to his next adventure, and we want to send him off in style! This evening promises good food, fond memories, and a [...]

Prin |2024-12-03T01:21:05+00:00noiembrie 16th, 2024|Evenimente trecute|0 comentarii

Romanian Carols in Natick Center on 15th of December 2024

The Association of Romanians in New England would like to invite you to participate in our annual traditional Romanian Christmas carol sing. We will meet in Natick Common at 2:00 pm on December 15th 2024. There is parking at the meters right next to the park, or at Pond St. Parking Lot. Hot drinks are [...]

Prin |2024-12-20T08:04:07+00:00august 24th, 2024|Evenimente trecute|0 comentarii

6/14 Book Launch – Mizunschi, Anca – Cei care cumpara stele

ARNE invites you for a book launch, readings and talk:Those Who Buy Stars by Anca MizumschiFriday, June 14,2024, 6 pm Auburndale Community Library375 Auburn St, Newton, MA 02466Anca Mizumschi is a Romanian author who lives in Phoenix, Arizona. Writer and psychologistAnca Mizumschi, one of the most poignant voices of Romanian diaspora, talks aboutimmigration as trauma [...]

Prin |2024-08-24T23:12:00+00:00mai 29th, 2024|Evenimente trecute|0 comentarii


S-a întâmplat în 30 august 1265: Prima menţiune documentară a Hunedoarei, sub numele de Hungnod,în legătură cu arhidiaconatul de Hunedoara, o structură ecleziastică, subordonată episcopiei Transilvaniei, cu sediul la Alba Iulia. Localitatea a fost menţionată documentar pentru prima dată în 30 august 1265, iar în 1276 a fost amintit din nou. Ca oraş, menţionarea documentară [...]

Prin |2022-09-05T00:40:44+00:004 septembrie 2022|Știri|0 comentarii

Traian Vuia

S-a întâmplat în 3 septembrie1950: A murit Traian Vuia, inginer, avocat şi inventator; pionier al aviaţiei româneşti şi mondiale, constructorul primului avion din lume (brevetat, în Franţa, la 17.VIII.1903) care, la 18 martie 1906, s-a desprins de la sol datorită exclusiv forţei motorului său; a folosit pentru prima oară în lume un tren de aterizare [...]

Prin |2022-09-05T00:39:41+00:004 septembrie 2022|Știri|0 comentarii

Carols in the Park / Dec 16th 2023

  AR-NE invites you to join us and sign traditional Romanian Christmas carols.  We will meet in Natick Common on December 16th 2023.  There is parking at the meters right next to the park, or at Pond St. Parking Lot.  Hot drinks are available for purchase at Sweetwaters Coffee near the Common, to keep you warm.

Prin |2024-03-28T15:29:58+00:003 septembrie 2022|Evenimente trecute|0 comentarii
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